1. who is the person that tagged you?
2. relationship between you and him/her?
3. five impressions of him/her?
i) too quiet(as if lah..but wen wif us, her lesbian partners...YA ALLAH!! HANYA KAU JE YG TAU!!) heh...
ii) crazy
iii) PHOTOGENIC!! (although she may claim not)
iv) caring
v) slacker
4. if he/she become your enemy, you will?
5. what will you say to the person you like very much?
stay happy alwaes...& i'm alwaes here for u..wen u need me..^_^
6. characteristics I like about myself?
ask the pple ard me lah..coz sumtimes i don't even understand myself..
7. characteristics I hate about myself?
refer to qns 6 for ans
8. for the person whom you hate, you say?
9. what do people feel about you?
ask them urself lah...they r the ones having the feelings not moi..
10. your crush(es)?
HUH??? sjk biler aku ade crush org ni?? crash adelah..heh
LYK CHOPSTICK SAID:* question 11 appears to have lost its way. i'm not gonna guide it back though.
12. pass this to 10 people.
1) bluetooth
2) chopstick
3) meiyin
4) ain
5) sharmila
6) khairil
7) muneera
8) nordiana
(i don't haf much links of my frens though..so..tts all tt i can manage..)
13. if 5 and 7 were together?
14. who does 5 like?
go ask her urself lah..i'm not her PA
15. what colour does 9 like?
go see the list..got no.9 or not??
16. say something about 8?
17. who is 2?
the person yg menyusahkan hidup aku nilah..LYK DUH!!..heh..but...nycely said..she's 1 of my lesbian partners..heh
18. talk about 3.
loud sumtimes..but fun to b ard wif...but wen he mood blows..HUH..SCARY!!
19. who is 10's best friend?
jus lyk qns 15...
go see the list..got no.10 or not??
20. who is the sexiest amongst all of them?
huh?? how would i noe..i'm not them wat..
21. what colour does number 4 like?
ntah minah tu..kau g tny dier sndr ar..
22. is 4 single?
nope..she's attached to
1) ALLAH swt.
2) Nabi s.a.w
3) Her fmly
4) Herself
so...how is she gonna b single??
23. what is your relationship with 1?
heh..my anoth lesbian partner..heh..SORI MR CHUCK BASS!! SHE'S MINE!!heh
24. are 5 and 6 best friends?
they don't even noe each oth's presence..
25. 9's surname?
go see the list..got no.9 or not??
26. 7's nickname?
MOON?? as in..the bulan..i tink so ar..
27. say something to number 8?
thot i asked tis qns liao?? refer to qns 16 for my ans..
28. say something to help 9.
go see the list..got no.9 or not??
29. Who does 1 admire?
dan humphrey..ERM..NOT...chuck bass?? or is it...robert pattison?? donnoe leh..
30. where does 1 live?
on earth..lyk duh!! -.-'
31. do all 10 of them know who you like?
define lyk??...but then..got 8 oni leh??
32. say something to 6 when you see him/her.
33. 10's spouse.
go see the list..got no.10 or not??
1..but..sisters as in..biological or wat??
1..and jus lyk above qns..biological/wat??
shoe size:
8/9...depending on the shoe design lor..
where you live:
on earth..
Fave drink:
aniting tt is HALAL??
fave breakfast:
not fussy leh..jus eat aniting tt i/mama had whipped up..
have you ever...been on a plane:
as in..to and fro or jus experience??
if to&fro..twice
swam in the ocean:
not yet..and hopefully nv??
fallen asleep in school:
broken someone's heart:
aik..how to break sum1's heart wen i've nv touched a real heart b4??
waited for someone to call:
saved emails:
infinite?? or jus too lazy to count..
what is your room like:
what's right beside you:
when is the last time you ate:
erm.. my lunch cum my dinner..hrs back to backtrack..
ever had...
chicken pox:
sore throat:
broken nose:
my nose is as perfect as i was born wif
do you believe in love at first sight:
hmm...jodoh,pertemuan&perpisahan kiter tlh termaktub d LOHMAHFUZ..so accept it and go on wif the flow lor..
who was/were the last person...
you danced with:
define 'danced wif'
who made you smile:
my sis lah..was searching high and low for her D&T sketch book from yesterdae..and was hoping to get a lite to it thru her dreams last nite..oni to find out..it had alwaes been wif her Teacher...
who yelled at you:
my mama..
today did you...
talk to someone you like:
kiss anyone:
get sick:
sick of tis...lyk duh!!
and down wif flu and coughing..
talk to an ex-classmate:
not yet...
miss anyone:
LOTS OF THEM!! especially nenek..
answered liao..
experience the best feeling in the world:
i guess soo..but...every experience ade hikmah disebaleknye kan??
what is the best feeling in the world?
fulfilling wat u had alwaes wanted?? different pple haf diff point of view leh..
sleep with soft toys:
YUCKS!! i'm a lil freaky wif the 'fur'
what's under your bed:
tings...tt don't belong to me..
who do you really hate now:
tak yah tau lah..
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ok..I'm still suffering from muscle aches after my wild fun last Thursdae, 18/12/2008...Where?? WILD WILD WET!! WhoooHoooo!!! Had so much fun lah...
Well, the tix can b a lil xpensive for me lah..though its on $15.50/adult(Public) & $10.80/adult(NTUC member)..
But well...I was lucky my cousin and her fiance got 4 free tixs for adults... So ya, they asked me and my sibs along wif them... We only had to pay for my lil bro's tix @ children's price...
We had a g8 time there lah...All the rides were fun..Wat r the rides?..U jus have to google for 'Wild Wild Wet'..and xplore the webpage...for the attractions and rides jus direct ur cursor to 'Rides&Attractions'
U shuld try them urself..only then u will noe wat kind of wild and crazy fun we had...
Tts all folks
Well, the tix can b a lil xpensive for me lah..though its on $15.50/adult(Public) & $10.80/adult(NTUC member)..
But well...I was lucky my cousin and her fiance got 4 free tixs for adults... So ya, they asked me and my sibs along wif them... We only had to pay for my lil bro's tix @ children's price...
We had a g8 time there lah...All the rides were fun..Wat r the rides?..U jus have to google for 'Wild Wild Wet'..and xplore the webpage...for the attractions and rides jus direct ur cursor to 'Rides&Attractions'
Tts all folks
Monday, December 15, 2008
Donuts after ≈BOLT≈..isn't it jus nyce??
Donuts after a movie..isn't it nyce??
Well..basically..the oni donut factory tt I trust is trully HALAL ≈confirm plus chop≈ is Donut Empire.. Whoa!! it really helps to relive my craving for DONUTS!!
≈to Donut Fanatic especially Chopstick..ehem2..jgn marah..i got my donuts liao!! heh..≈
U can get ur donut selections @ the above locations..
There's delivery too..Hotline is as stated on the donut box..
There's delivery too..Hotline is as stated on the donut box..
DONUTS!! & more DONUTS!!
Ended my dae wif DONUTS!!!
Well..basically its jus tt I was lucky..my niece asked me out for lepak @ town after her exam paper..so ya..brought my sibs along..we went Bugis..Had lunch @ Banquet @ Raffles Hospital.. While waiting for our movie ≈BOLT≈ which was @ 1515 hrs.. The movie was fun lah..though it was kids movie...(wat to do..my sibs r both underage mah..can't watch an 'adult'-rated movie lor..) After movies headed home..Then in the train..suddenly I rmbered abt my crave for donuts..So alighted @ Paya Lebar to get our donuts @ TKC..zoommm... we r off for home..
Now savour-ing my 2 top choice donuts..heh..
Aite..tts all folks!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Apply-ing Job
Ok..so...its been some time since u blog aniting..
2dae...early in the morn...don't feel lyk coming skool liao..but still dragged myself..Then..during 1st break..deciding to pon or not...but donnoe where to slack..end up..not pon-ing..
Then..gud news 4 me..my fren wanna pon..to go apply werk..so..YA..i decided to join her..
and ya..now jus waiting for the rite time to pon...pray for me tt i get the job ya...thanx
Tts all for now..
2dae...early in the morn...don't feel lyk coming skool liao..but still dragged myself..Then..during 1st break..deciding to pon or not...but donnoe where to slack..end up..not pon-ing..
Then..gud news 4 me..my fren wanna pon..to go apply werk..so..YA..i decided to join her..
and ya..now jus waiting for the rite time to pon...pray for me tt i get the job ya...thanx
Tts all for now..
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Ok..i got stabbed by CHOPSTICK..so..ok...since i cabut class 2dae...and now slacking..i decided to finish up the quiz..haizz..again..-.-'
bold the statements that are true to you.
italicize the statements that you WISH are true.
leave the fibs alone.
then, stab 3 people to do the same test.
≈comments/confessions in dark grey..≈
i miss somebody right now. ≈missing my late Granny tooo much!!≈
i do not watch ≈MUCH≈ tv these days.
i wear glasses or contact lenses ≈lenses in the dae..glasses @ nite≈
i love to play video games.
i have tried marijuana.
i have been in a threesome.
i believe honesty is usually the best policy. ≈no matter in wat kind of relationships≈
i have changed mentally over the last year. ≈as one's age climbs up the ladder,one's matuarit also sprouts≈
i carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
i curse. ≈the werds jus flow out from my mouth lyk water≈
i'm totally smart.
i've broken someone's bones.
i'm paranoid sometimes.
i would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
i need money right now.
i love sushi.
i talk really, really fast.
i have long hair.
i have lost money in Las Vegas.
i have at least one sibling.
i have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
i couldn't survive without Caller ID.
i like the way I look.
i am usually pessimistic.
i have a lot of mood swings.
i have a hidden talent. ≈i'm not creative≈
i'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
i have a lot of friends.
i am currently single.≈but UNAVAILABLE≈
i have pecked someone of the same sex.
i enjoy talking on the phone.
i practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
i love to shop.
enjoy window shopping.
i would rather shop than eat. ≈siao≈
i don't hate anyone. ≈i do hate some pple≈
i'm a pretty good dancer. ≈alwaes dance anihow≈
i'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
i have a cell phone.
i believe in God. ≈ALLAH yg ESA≈
i watch MTV on a daily basis.
i have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
i've rejected someone before.
i want to have children in the future.
i have changed a diaper before.
i've called the cops on a friend before.
i'm not allergic to anything.
i have a lot to learn.
i'm shy around members of the opposite sex.
i have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
i have tried alcohol before.
i own the South Park movie.
i would die for my best friend. ≈depends for wat reason≈
i think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
i have used my sexuality to advance my career.
i love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
i watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
i am happy at this moment!
i'm obsessed with (insert: smart and beautiful) girls. ≈I'm not a lesbian≈
i tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met. ≈donnoe..don't care..≈
i study for tests most of the time.
i am comfortable with who i am right now.
i have more than just my ears pierced.
i walk barefoot wherever I can.
i have jumped off a bridge.
i love sea turtles.
i spend ridiculous money on makeup. ≈stupid who does tis..≈
plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
i'm proficient in a musical instrument. ≈i'm not creative though≈
i worked at McDonald's restaurant. ≈1 mnth oni..≈
i hate office jobs. ≈mayb≈
i love sci-fi movies.
i think water rules.
i went college out of state. ≈if got scholarships lor and gud finance≈
i like sausages. ≈halal ones oni..≈
i love kisses.
i fall for the worst people.
i adore bright colours.
i can't live without black eyeliner.
i don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing. ≈theres always a reason behind everything≈
i usually like covers better than originals. ≈depends on the price and quality lor..≈
i can pick up things with my toes.
i can't whistle.
i can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake's slither.
i have ridden/owned a horse.≈does rocking toy horse ride counts??≈
i still have every journal I've written in.
i can't stick to a diet.
i talk in my sleep.
i try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. ≈too much tings kept to myself≈
i have jazz in my blood.
climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
i wear a toe ring.
i can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
i am a caffeine junkie.
i cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
i have been to over 15 conventions.
i will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
i'm an artist. ≈i'm not creative enuff though≈
i only clean my room when necessary. ≈wen getting to raya seasons lor..≈
i like a person of the same sex.
i love being happy.
i am an adrenaline junkie.
i stab:
bold the statements that are true to you.
italicize the statements that you WISH are true.
leave the fibs alone.
then, stab 3 people to do the same test.
≈comments/confessions in dark grey..≈
i miss somebody right now. ≈missing my late Granny tooo much!!≈
i do not watch ≈MUCH≈ tv these days.
i wear glasses or contact lenses ≈lenses in the dae..glasses @ nite≈
i love to play video games.
i have tried marijuana.
i have been in a threesome.
i believe honesty is usually the best policy. ≈no matter in wat kind of relationships≈
i have changed mentally over the last year. ≈as one's age climbs up the ladder,one's matuarit also sprouts≈
i carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
i curse. ≈the werds jus flow out from my mouth lyk water≈
i'm totally smart.
i've broken someone's bones.
i'm paranoid sometimes.
i would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
i need money right now.
i love sushi.
i talk really, really fast.
i have long hair.
i have lost money in Las Vegas.
i have at least one sibling.
i have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
i couldn't survive without Caller ID.
i like the way I look.
i am usually pessimistic.
i have a lot of mood swings.
i have a hidden talent. ≈i'm not creative≈
i'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
i have a lot of friends.
i am currently single.≈but UNAVAILABLE≈
i have pecked someone of the same sex.
i enjoy talking on the phone.
i practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
i love to shop.
enjoy window shopping.
i would rather shop than eat. ≈siao≈
i don't hate anyone. ≈i do hate some pple≈
i'm a pretty good dancer. ≈alwaes dance anihow≈
i'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
i have a cell phone.
i believe in God. ≈ALLAH yg ESA≈
i watch MTV on a daily basis.
i have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
i've rejected someone before.
i want to have children in the future.
i have changed a diaper before.
i've called the cops on a friend before.
i'm not allergic to anything.
i have a lot to learn.
i'm shy around members of the opposite sex.
i have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
i have tried alcohol before.
i own the South Park movie.
i would die for my best friend. ≈depends for wat reason≈
i think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
i have used my sexuality to advance my career.
i love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
i watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
i am happy at this moment!
i'm obsessed with (insert: smart and beautiful) girls. ≈I'm not a lesbian≈
i tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met. ≈donnoe..don't care..≈
i study for tests most of the time.
i am comfortable with who i am right now.
i have more than just my ears pierced.
i walk barefoot wherever I can.
i have jumped off a bridge.
i love sea turtles.
i spend ridiculous money on makeup. ≈stupid who does tis..≈
plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
i'm proficient in a musical instrument. ≈i'm not creative though≈
i worked at McDonald's restaurant. ≈1 mnth oni..≈
i hate office jobs. ≈mayb≈
i love sci-fi movies.
i think water rules.
i went college out of state. ≈if got scholarships lor and gud finance≈
i like sausages. ≈halal ones oni..≈
i love kisses.
i fall for the worst people.
i adore bright colours.
i can't live without black eyeliner.
i don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing. ≈theres always a reason behind everything≈
i usually like covers better than originals. ≈depends on the price and quality lor..≈
i can pick up things with my toes.
i can't whistle.
i can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake's slither.
i have ridden/owned a horse.≈does rocking toy horse ride counts??≈
i still have every journal I've written in.
i can't stick to a diet.
i talk in my sleep.
i try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. ≈too much tings kept to myself≈
i have jazz in my blood.
climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
i wear a toe ring.
i can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
i am a caffeine junkie.
i cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
i have been to over 15 conventions.
i will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
i'm an artist. ≈i'm not creative enuff though≈
i only clean my room when necessary. ≈wen getting to raya seasons lor..≈
i like a person of the same sex.
i love being happy.
i am an adrenaline junkie.
i stab:
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Njoying my nite alone
Well basically..had to ans tt 60 qns quiz early in the morning..Ni semuer Ainnye pasallah..
Daes went as per norm..routine lah..
Now...waiting to watch my GG epi 12!! XOXO...Gossip Gurl.. ^_^
2nite...NJOY-ing the fun of having the WHOLE room to myself!! Sibs r away @ grandad's place for a sleep over..me..joining oni tmr after skool ^_^..
klah..tts all folks...wanna njoy my GG..
Daes went as per norm..routine lah..
Now...waiting to watch my GG epi 12!! XOXO...Gossip Gurl.. ^_^
2nite...NJOY-ing the fun of having the WHOLE room to myself!! Sibs r away @ grandad's place for a sleep over..me..joining oni tmr after skool ^_^..
klah..tts all folks...wanna njoy my GG..
Thanx too much Ain for tis 'G8' sabo-ing quiz...am 'having a G8' time answering them.. -.-'
1. Explain your relationship status:
≈single but unavailable≈
2. Name a lyric from the last song you listened to:
≈Terkubur dalam emosi, Tanpa bisa bersembunyi, Aku dan nafasku,MerindukanMu..≈
3. What did you wear today?
≈black t-shirt wif black jeans wif black sandals≈
4. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
≈yup2..lenses in the dae...glasses @ nite≈
5. How many windows are open on your computer?
6. What are you doing after this?
≈getting ready 4 1st break to get my 'pizza hut' chicken taste-alike≈
7. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
≈donnoe my mama buy for me one≈
8. Do you like to cuddle?
≈oni wif my loved ones...especially my Mak Ngah..rindu banget sama dier..≈
9. Which one of your cousins is closest to you in age?
≈Abg Udin(1988), Sakinah(1991)≈
10. Do you like someone? Does his/her name start with A, B, D, K, M, C, or J?
≈define lyk??≈
11. Do you like hugs?
≈refer to qns no. 8≈
12. Are you a loud person?
≈shuld b?? ask my frens lah≈
13. Look to your left, what do you see?
≈my mobile, Meiyin, Meiyin's laptop, Meiyin's mouse, the white wall behind Meiyin≈
14. What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow?
≈get A for cell culture..haha..Get over to atok's place 4 a sleepover≈
15. Would your parents be mad if you came home smashed?
≈HAHA...not oni mad but my dad will murder me even b4 I get to open my home gate≈
16. Have you ever had a crush on your siblings friend?
17. Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes?
≈nope if can..don't lah..don't want their health to b affected g8ly..besides i'm no longer a smoker..and don't wanna b a passive smoker..research has shown tt passive smoker die faster than 1st hand smokers u noe..≈
18. Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
19. Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly every thing about you?
≈nah...sumtings i do keep it to myself..xcept..mayb my mak ngah..she noes almost everyting abt her kids ni...haha≈
20. Who was that last person you had a phone call longer than 7 minutes?
≈my fren??≈
21. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
≈sumtimes...had rather b a straight-forward person≈
22. Last serious hug?
≈yesterdae...from my Mak Ngah ^_^≈
23. Would you ever dye your hair blonde?
≈y shuld i 'kill' my hair??≈
24. Is something bothering you?
≈erm...don't tink so leh...but if got..i tink..TIS QUIZ LAH!!≈
25. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
26. Do you believe that you can change for someone?
≈insyaallah..if its best for me...but i would change mostly for ALLAH≈
27. What time woke you up this morning?
28. Would you go back in time to change something?
≈if can go back...mayb yes..must haf a plan-out 1st ar..≈
29. Is it hard leaving people behind?
≈too hard to sae≈
30. What are you excited for?
≈upcoming holidays&GRADUATION!! ^_^≈
31. Who was the last missed call from?
≈some army camp no...(wonder who's tt from...stupid bugger)≈
32. What was the last thing you spent your money on?
≈marigold fresh milk??≈
33. Is there one song that reminds you of the whole summer?
≈none for now≈
34. What are you doing right now?
≈answering tis quiz lah lyk duh!! wat a stupid qns≈
35. Can you handle the truth?
36. How's your life lately?
≈alhamdulillah..so far..so gud & surviving..if not ok...jus k.o lor..≈
37. When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong?
≈told my PC faci i had to visit my dying aunt @ hosp..padahal...understand understood ar...(but still..i fulfilled tt tiny 'lie' later tt nite wif my fmly though)..≈
38. Do you hate being alone?
≈nah..not really..depends≈
39. Where were you last night?
≈eastern side of s'pore..2 b xact, my Mak Ngah's place!!≈
40. Last non-alcoholic beverage consumed?
≈sky juice≈
41. Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
≈YEA!! my Mak Ngah wat..evry time meet her..kiss her one..≈
42. When did you first get Myspace?
≈erm..how to get the 1st one if i've nv got any MySpace acct?≈
43. Are you drifting away from any friends?
≈it works both waes though..wen 1 starts to drift awy..the oths would follow≈
44. What are you listening to?
45. What are you doing tonight?
≈donnoe..no plans yet≈
46. Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
≈OF COZ!! means too much to me≈
47. Are you wearing socks?
≈i'm wearing sandals...which weirdo would wear socks wif sandals?? besides,its not winter here in s'pore≈
48. Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
49. Who's your last text from?
≈deleted my msg inbox...can't rmb who..≈
50. Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?
≈see who ask...≈
51. Ever kissed someone who smokes?
≈yea..my Pak Ngah..wen i was a kid lah..≈
52. Someone on your mind right now?
≈none..but sumting is..'PIZZA HUT' CHICKEN!!≈
53. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
≈spoiled?? u sure or not..i'm the eldest wifin my siblings leh..≈
54. Who was the last person to sit on your bed?
≈me lor≈
55. Where were you at 2:02 this morning?
≈soalan bdh sak...BOBOK AR!!≈
56. Did you go to sleep last night smiling?
≈rite b4 i turn in yea..i was smiling..but wen i sleep..nope..≈
57. Anyone told you a secret this week?
≈yea?? secret from my 'lesbian' partner?? haha≈
58. When was the last time you bought something?
≈2 daes back??≈
59. Do you play an instrument?
≈used to..now 4got how to..≈
60. What's your favourite number? List down the people you would like to sabo according to you favourite number.
≈donnoe leh..10??≈
1. bluetooth
2. chopstick
3. gurlauramania
4. zaf
5. sharmila
6. meiyin
7. khairil
8. diana
9. taz
10. moon
1. Explain your relationship status:
≈single but unavailable≈
2. Name a lyric from the last song you listened to:
≈Terkubur dalam emosi, Tanpa bisa bersembunyi, Aku dan nafasku,MerindukanMu..≈
3. What did you wear today?
≈black t-shirt wif black jeans wif black sandals≈
4. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
≈yup2..lenses in the dae...glasses @ nite≈
5. How many windows are open on your computer?
6. What are you doing after this?
≈getting ready 4 1st break to get my 'pizza hut' chicken taste-alike≈
7. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
≈donnoe my mama buy for me one≈
8. Do you like to cuddle?
≈oni wif my loved ones...especially my Mak Ngah..rindu banget sama dier..≈
9. Which one of your cousins is closest to you in age?
≈Abg Udin(1988), Sakinah(1991)≈
10. Do you like someone? Does his/her name start with A, B, D, K, M, C, or J?
≈define lyk??≈
11. Do you like hugs?
≈refer to qns no. 8≈
12. Are you a loud person?
≈shuld b?? ask my frens lah≈
13. Look to your left, what do you see?
≈my mobile, Meiyin, Meiyin's laptop, Meiyin's mouse, the white wall behind Meiyin≈
14. What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow?
≈get A for cell culture..haha..Get over to atok's place 4 a sleepover≈
15. Would your parents be mad if you came home smashed?
≈HAHA...not oni mad but my dad will murder me even b4 I get to open my home gate≈
16. Have you ever had a crush on your siblings friend?
17. Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes?
≈nope if can..don't lah..don't want their health to b affected g8ly..besides i'm no longer a smoker..and don't wanna b a passive smoker..research has shown tt passive smoker die faster than 1st hand smokers u noe..≈
18. Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
19. Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly every thing about you?
≈nah...sumtings i do keep it to myself..xcept..mayb my mak ngah..she noes almost everyting abt her kids ni...haha≈
20. Who was that last person you had a phone call longer than 7 minutes?
≈my fren??≈
21. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
≈sumtimes...had rather b a straight-forward person≈
22. Last serious hug?
≈yesterdae...from my Mak Ngah ^_^≈
23. Would you ever dye your hair blonde?
≈y shuld i 'kill' my hair??≈
24. Is something bothering you?
≈erm...don't tink so leh...but if got..i tink..TIS QUIZ LAH!!≈
25. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
26. Do you believe that you can change for someone?
≈insyaallah..if its best for me...but i would change mostly for ALLAH≈
27. What time woke you up this morning?
28. Would you go back in time to change something?
≈if can go back...mayb yes..must haf a plan-out 1st ar..≈
29. Is it hard leaving people behind?
≈too hard to sae≈
30. What are you excited for?
≈upcoming holidays&GRADUATION!! ^_^≈
31. Who was the last missed call from?
≈some army camp no...(wonder who's tt from...stupid bugger)≈
32. What was the last thing you spent your money on?
≈marigold fresh milk??≈
33. Is there one song that reminds you of the whole summer?
≈none for now≈
34. What are you doing right now?
≈answering tis quiz lah lyk duh!! wat a stupid qns≈
35. Can you handle the truth?
36. How's your life lately?
≈alhamdulillah..so far..so gud & surviving..if not ok...jus k.o lor..≈
37. When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong?
≈told my PC faci i had to visit my dying aunt @ hosp..padahal...understand understood ar...(but still..i fulfilled tt tiny 'lie' later tt nite wif my fmly though)..≈
38. Do you hate being alone?
≈nah..not really..depends≈
39. Where were you last night?
≈eastern side of s'pore..2 b xact, my Mak Ngah's place!!≈
40. Last non-alcoholic beverage consumed?
≈sky juice≈
41. Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
≈YEA!! my Mak Ngah wat..evry time meet her..kiss her one..≈
42. When did you first get Myspace?
≈erm..how to get the 1st one if i've nv got any MySpace acct?≈
43. Are you drifting away from any friends?
≈it works both waes though..wen 1 starts to drift awy..the oths would follow≈
44. What are you listening to?
45. What are you doing tonight?
≈donnoe..no plans yet≈
46. Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
≈OF COZ!! means too much to me≈
47. Are you wearing socks?
≈i'm wearing sandals...which weirdo would wear socks wif sandals?? besides,its not winter here in s'pore≈
48. Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
49. Who's your last text from?
≈deleted my msg inbox...can't rmb who..≈
50. Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?
≈see who ask...≈
51. Ever kissed someone who smokes?
≈yea..my Pak Ngah..wen i was a kid lah..≈
52. Someone on your mind right now?
≈none..but sumting is..'PIZZA HUT' CHICKEN!!≈
53. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
≈spoiled?? u sure or not..i'm the eldest wifin my siblings leh..≈
54. Who was the last person to sit on your bed?
≈me lor≈
55. Where were you at 2:02 this morning?
≈soalan bdh sak...BOBOK AR!!≈
56. Did you go to sleep last night smiling?
≈rite b4 i turn in yea..i was smiling..but wen i sleep..nope..≈
57. Anyone told you a secret this week?
≈yea?? secret from my 'lesbian' partner?? haha≈
58. When was the last time you bought something?
≈2 daes back??≈
59. Do you play an instrument?
≈used to..now 4got how to..≈
60. What's your favourite number? List down the people you would like to sabo according to you favourite number.
≈donnoe leh..10??≈
1. bluetooth
2. chopstick
3. gurlauramania
4. zaf
5. sharmila
6. meiyin
7. khairil
8. diana
9. taz
10. moon
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
YEA!! Tts the wae I lyk it!!
lyk finally...I get back my freed wednesdaes!!! YEAY!!! Happy sia!! no more the needs to wake up darn early to go for FYP mytings...can wake up slightly late!! YESSA!!!
Hey ADPP Facilitators...HAVE MORE OF ADPP EVERYDAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! its gud for non-ADPPs...haha...we can sleep and slack on wednesdaes!!
Ok basically..got the chance to wake up late..9am..(no too late lah...but..considered as late liao for me)..so ya..woke up..had my shower..breakfast..packed my stuff..and headed for my Mak Ngah's place..tak betah gue dudukin di rumah...well..I have some issues wif my prnts..especially my Dad..so..yea...can't take it to stay @ home any longer to look @ his face...jus can't...
So...lpk umah mak ngah...tgk cartoon netwerk..and oth cartoons..haha..FINALLY SOME REAL DESTRESS-ing RESOURCE..heheh..
Happy giler seh...but well..still looking forward to have sleepover @ umah atok..3 daes straight..kene jadi wanita melayu terakhir..haha...kene masak!! WADUHH!! haha..but am looking forward to it..will b njoying my time there!!
klah..tts it for now..
lyk finally...I get back my freed wednesdaes!!! YEAY!!! Happy sia!! no more the needs to wake up darn early to go for FYP mytings...can wake up slightly late!! YESSA!!!
Hey ADPP Facilitators...HAVE MORE OF ADPP EVERYDAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! its gud for non-ADPPs...haha...we can sleep and slack on wednesdaes!!
Ok basically..got the chance to wake up late..9am..(no too late lah...but..considered as late liao for me)..so ya..woke up..had my shower..breakfast..packed my stuff..and headed for my Mak Ngah's place..tak betah gue dudukin di rumah...well..I have some issues wif my prnts..especially my Dad..so..yea...can't take it to stay @ home any longer to look @ his face...jus can't...
So...lpk umah mak ngah...tgk cartoon netwerk..and oth cartoons..haha..FINALLY SOME REAL DESTRESS-ing RESOURCE..heheh..
Happy giler seh...but well..still looking forward to have sleepover @ umah atok..3 daes straight..kene jadi wanita melayu terakhir..haha...kene masak!! WADUHH!! haha..but am looking forward to it..will b njoying my time there!!
klah..tts it for now..
Monday, December 01, 2008

Tt she couldn't be bothered to entertain me wif any of her 'special' poses although she knew I was snapping a pic of her..haha..
Dayah....XOXO Gossip Gurl

So..she managed to gif me a smile...although was having the natural pose..

Although both were too 'khusyuk' wif their own stuff..still manage to gif me a pose..haha..
Aite..ok..basically...I was already too lazy to get up tis morning...too sleepy..jus needed more sleep and rest.. But then again..still dragged myself out of my comfy bed.. I was late for my bus though but managed to board the 7:30am bus..so...not too late lah...
In the bus, met my cousin's old skool mate. She was sitting @ the stairs and I was standing near the exit door..then suddenly...
She: FATIN!.
WHOA!!! TTS WAS LOUD LAH!! I recognized tt voice though, so I turning my head to look around for the person and I spotted her.. I was lyk..
Me:Oits! Panggil to takyah lah kuat2 pelan2 sudahlah...haha
Oits!Call my name softer enufflah...no need to be so loud..haha
She: HAHA! Satu bus leh dgr..Ingt U tak dgr tadi..
Haha! the whole bus can hear..I thot U didn't hear me..
Me: Haha!! tu lah...sampai org atas pon leh dgr...
Haha! Ya lah..till the upper deck pple can hear..
So ya..journey was ok the rest of the way..
Then..in skool...during 1st breakout, had mass convo wif my 2 lesbian partners..haha...Ain was so random..all of a sudden she asked if we wanted to cabot for 3rd myting.. But then again, one of my relatives was admitted to the hosp..so I needed to cabot and visit her though.. Turned out, dayah oso had the same situation to me..coincidentally...oso @ NUH...
Anddddddd...ONLY DURING VISITATION TT WE NOE TT ME & DAYAH ARE RELATED!! We r cousins...but kind of 2nd cousins lah..haha..So..which means...we visited the same relative..haha..Cool sia...ok..not the part of our relative got admitted...but..the part of being blood-ly related...
So..ya..the scene was fast-forward...we then lepak @ dayah's werk place...Coffee Bean @ Holland Village..
Spent our time there till around 4++pm...den went home...Took some pictures not much..mostly were pics of them too khusyuk(full of concentration & seriousness) wif their own stuff..hahaha
Managed to changed my song...@ 1st I was so sotong...I didn't noe y my song couldn't autoplay..but after some short and simple troubleshooting wif ain..only then I knew tt I didn't tick on the 'autoplay' box over @ imem...so stupid and slenger seh..
Klah..tts all folks..Njoy the new song..although an old song...
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